We understand asset integrity management in its entirety.
An asset integrity management (AIM) system is only as strong as its weakest link. For example, inaccurate data from engineering assessments and inspections, as well as poor quality maintenance and repairs, can have serious financial and safety implications. These can result in unnecessary or premature inspections, maintenance and repairs, asset failures, or loss of production.
We appreciate the significance of how each AIM component and function interact and affect each other, and the outcome. Our highly skilled personnel conduct services in accordance with our specific procedures, ensuring quality and repeatable data. This allows us to accurately predict and plan future AIM activities.
Next Advanced Solutions offers all AIM services, including:
- Integrity engineering
- Corrosion engineering
- Inspection engineering
- Inspection & NDT
- Access
- Maintenance
- Construction
We offer these services on ad-hoc, project, campaign, or life cycle basis.