Inspections are carried out to determine the physical condition of an asset. To obtain the correct information in the most cost-effective manner, customised inspection plans need to be developed in accordance with equipment risk, acting damage mechanisms, as well as expected damage location and morphology.
Our inspection engineering services provide the framework to acquire accurate and repeatable data. Complemented by our inspection engineering services, our AIM system uses advanced and unique measures to successfully manage data and accurately predict future integrity activities (e.g. maintenance, repair or inspections).
We have comprehensive experience in developing customised inspection plans and offer quality inspection engineering services to develop, implement and execute inspection campaigns. These services include, but are not limited to:
- Inspection management
- Inspection management auditing
- Inspection method evaluations
- Non-intrusive inspection evaluations
- Risk-based inspection (RBI) assessments
- Written scheme of examination (WSE) development
- Inspection scope and work-pack development
- Project management
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Inspection services
Non-destructive testing (NDT)
In-service inspections
Baseline inspections
Fabrication and pre-service inspections
Lifting equipment inspections
Class surveys
ensure inspection
repeatability and confidence whilst reducing surface coverage, optimising inspection intervals, and reducing required man hours and potential human errors
by automating data reporting.